PlumX Metrics is a tool found in EBSCO Databases that links the reader to several different kinds of metric information, such as Times Cited (Citations), Usage (who is reading the article), and Social Media mentions.
In order to use PlumX to find Times Cited, follow the steps below.
Step 1)
Find the PlumX Metrics symbol on the article of your choice [NOTE: Not all articles have a PlumX option. See the EBSCO tab for Tips in this case].
Step 2)
Hover over the PlumX icon to see how many Citations (Times Cited) that article has [Citations appear as an Orange circle and text on the PlumX icon]. Once you see Citations listed, click on the PlumX icon.
Step 3)
After clicking on the PlumX icon, you will be taken to the page in the screenshot for Step 3. To see the various articles which cite the one you found, click on either the Scopus link or any of the other links [in this case it also shows results listed in PubMed Central].