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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

LOS 300: Organizational Theory: Finding and Evaluating Articles

These resources should help you in your assignments.

Article Databases

How Scholarly is This Article?

Database limiters are nice, but they're no substitute for carefully evaluating your article. 


Scholarly Journal

(ex. Jl. of Personality & Social Psych)

Trade Publication

(ex. Instructor

Popular Magazine

(ex. Psychology Today)

Credentials? Usually a University affiliation Usually someone in the field Usually not given
References? Many Few or none Few or none
Audience? for scholars for people in the field for the general public


Here are some further resources :

Brainstorming the Frames

These are just a few key words you can try as search terms.  What others can you think of?

Human Resources Frame: Employees, personnel

Political Frame: Power, strategy

Structural Frame: Corporate structure, hierarchy

Symbolic Frame: Organizational culture, organizational values