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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

SBS 210: Me in 3D: Introduction to the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Instruction Manual Resources

Audience limiters in ERIC and PsycINFO

We use library databases to find scholarly articles, but we can also find material for general audiences.  If you're writing for students, school personnel, or parents, you can search the ERIC database and limit for Intended Audience. 

  • Choose the ERIC database (link below).
  • Scroll down to Limit your Results (below the search boxes).
  • Choose Document from the Journal or Document limiter (On the right).

the Journal or Document limiter in the ERIC database

  • Go to the Intended Audience limiter (on the left).  In the example I chose Parents

​​​​​​​Intended Audience limiter in the ERIC database, with Parents as the chosen option


The PsycINFO database also has a limiter for intended audience.

  • Choose the PsycINFO database (link below).
  • Scroll down to Limit your Results (below the search boxes).
  • Go to the Intended Audience limiter (on the left).  In the example I chose General Public.

Intended Audience limited in the PsycINFO database, with General Public as the chosen option


For Additional Inspiration

NOTE: These are strictly for inspiration.  Individual entries may or may not fit the assignment directions.