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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

Computer Science: Home

This guide will help you find library and internet resources about computer science and computer technology.

Finding Computer Science Resources

Our bookshelves hold a wide variety of information from the early days of computing to the present. You may also request materials from other libraries in the university system to be sent here by using the GET IT button in LibrarySearch.

If you are looking to browse, most computer science books will be shelved under call numbers beginning with QA75 or QA76, books on networking and the Web, however, will be shelved with call numbers beginning with TK5105.

We also have a wide variety of up to the minute e-books. The best place to look for these, besides LibrarySearch, is through SpringerLink an excellent resource, this includes recent (since 2005) Springer-Verlag titles as well as Apress titles as DRM-free PDFs, or in some cases, ePubs.

ebrary also contains some technical books, but under much greater restrictions.

There are several specialized journal databases available, some the the primary ones are listed below. As always, you may perform a general search across all of our collections using LibrarySearch. Also you may be able to find resources on websites that traffic in scholarly articles.

Computer Science Librarian

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Daniel Lawrence
Room 217, Glickman Library, Portland

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