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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

Textbooks on Reserve (Print and E-books): Home

How the Textbooks on Reserve Project works.

Find out if a textbook is on Reserve in Print or Online

  • Click below to see if your textbook is on reserve in PRINT.
  • Click below to see if your textbook is available ONLINE


The Libraries have purchased many of the 100 & 200 level textbooks, & selected upper level books for students to borrow & use in the Library for two hours.

Picture of a USM ID cardBack of USM ID Card

  • Textbooks are usually at the campus Library where the course is being taught. (e.g. Glickman Library in Portland typically has the books for courses taught in Portland, Gorham Library for Gorham courses, and LAC Library for LAC courses)
  • Bring your USM ID card. You must have your USM ID card to checkout books.
  • At the main desk, ask for the textbook by course number (ENG 100, MAT 105, ...) and title of the book.
  • You can checkout the textbook for use in the Library for two hours.
    If you need the book for longer than two hours, you can check it out again if no one is waiting for the book.

How do I access Electronic Reserves (ARES)?

Sign into the MyUSM portal.

  1. In the left column, click on USM Quick Links.
  2. Click Add Course, next to the green plus sign. Now, each time you go to Electronic Reserves (ARES) you will see this course and won't need to add it again.
  3. Click View Course and you should see a list of items (PDF articles, videos, ...)
  4. Click on the item Title to view.
  5. Click on Course Reserves (ARES).
  6. The first time you use ARES you will need to fill out a short form.
  7. Next, click on Search Courses and find your course by course abbreviation (ENG 100, MAT 105, ...) or instructor (Zhao, Kent,...)                        


Sign into the MyUSM portal

  1. From the Launch Pad, click on BrightSpace.
  2. Go into your courses BrightSpace page.
  3. Look for the Electronic Reserves module in the Content list.
  4. Click on the Ares Course Reserves link provided in the Module.


Faculty who want to place readings on physical reserves or electronic reserves should contact USM Reserves to have their course setup in Course Reserves (ARES) and readings added.

How do I buy textbooks at USM?

If your textbook is not in the Textbooks on Reserve project or you want to purchase your textbook, you should:

Ask A Librarian

Questions about Electronic Reserves (ARES)

Portland (207) 780-4270
Gorham (207) 780-5345
Lewiston-Auburn (207) 753-6540

Ask A Librarian (chat, email)

Open Educational Resources (OER's)

Keeping textbook cost as low as possible is a goal for USM Libraries. When faculty use OER's, students access textbooks at no cost.