Image Created by Alex Lecrone (Former SLAC Member)
Large Headphones
Scientific Mathematic Calculators
S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Light Boxes
Apple Computer Dongle to convert HDMI
Course Textbooks on Reserve (A range of 100-400 Level Classes)
Board Games & Card Decks (Tsuro, Cranium, Timeline, Parcheesi, Seven Wonders, Forbidden Island, Pandemic, Fluxx, Concept, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Lords of Waterdeep, Card Decks, Magic the Gathering, and more Classic Games!)
Dungeons & Dragons Books (Players Handbook, Monster Manual)
From the Archives: Gorham Normal School Library Club, circa 1933
The Libraries at the University of Southern Maine recognize that student voices are an integral part of successful library policies, services, facilities, resources, spaces, and programming. The purpose of the Student Library Advisory Collective (SLAC) at USM is to provide space for Students and Library Administration to effectively and professionally communicate regarding student needs and ideas, the improvement of library services, and the facilitation of library student engagement and outreach initiatives.
Adapted from Fairfield University & UC San Diego
Members of the Student Library Advisory Collective (SLAC) will:
It is important to note that this board is advisory in nature. Student suggestions and comments will be given to the appropriate library committee(s) as well as the Library Director, who may occasionally attend meetings.
Membership of the Student Library Advisory Collective consists of undergraduate and graduate students, representing a range of academic disciplines and backgrounds, in an attempt to encompass the broad diversity of the USM Student population.
Board Memberships typically last for one Academic Year in order to allow the widest possible access for Student participation; however, term extensions are possible and supported.
All USM Students are welcome - and encouraged - to join SLAC.
The Student Library Advisory Collective at USM meets once a month through the semesters, at pre-arranged & scheduled meeting dates and times, alternating between the three campus libraries and/or through an online format. Board members may also be invited to attend and participate in other library meetings and events on campus.
The USM Student Library Advisory Collective has achieved or initiated the following items:
- The USM Student Any Book Book Club (ABBC)
- LibraryTimes! Radio Show on WMPG, 90.9 FM
- Gathering student feedback for designing the 2022 USM Library Website
- Letter to past Provost Jeannine Uzzi highlighting the need for library instruction in the classroom
- Ongoing reviews of USM Library spaces across each campus