Your USM ID card is also your library card! Use it to check out books at any of the campus libraries, as well as to create an interlibrary loan account and log into your library account. To check whether your library card is activated, try to log in below using your name as printed on your card and library barcode (the 14-digit number printed in black at the bottom or the back of your ID card.
If the login does not allow you to access your account, please visit Access Services at any of our Gorham, Portland, or LAC Campus Library locations, or call (207-780-4270).
to borrow materials from other libraries. This is a separate system from other University systems. We suggest you use the same username as your e-mail (the before part) and a different password.
Academic Search Complete is a large scholarly, multidisciplinary, full-text database, with more than 7,400 full-text periodicals, including more than 6,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 11,500 scholarly, popular, trade, and special interest serials, and a total of more than 12,000 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, and more. Updated daily.
LibrarySearch is the combined library catalog for the entire University of Maine system. You can search the entire system, or select University of Southern Maine Libraries in the drop-down.
Other helpful tips:
Most databases, as well as LibrarySearch and MaineCat, assign subjects to books and articles. A subject is a designated word or phrase that describes an idea or concept and groups all articles or books about that concept together.
There are many ways you can get research materials from other libraries. In the vast majority of cases, there is no charge to you for this service!