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University of Southern Maine
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* Leadership & Organizational Studies: Cite Sources

Here are some important resources for people in Leadership & Organizational Studies.

APA Crash Course (Karli Mair, MSLIS, MTS)

Parts of an Article Reference (EBSCO)

Citing & Emailing from a Databse

Many of our databases provide help with formatting citations in APA, MLA, or other citation styles. 

For example, in the EBSCOhost databases (Academic Search Complete, CINHAL, PsycInfo, etc.), when printing, emailing, or saving citations, you can select the citation style. Always check to ensure the citation is correct.

  • Click on the article title
  • Click on Email
  • Type in your email, select PDF, select citation style

Zotero Citation Tools

APA Style Resources - 7th Edition

For help creating citations: