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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

NUR 200: Intro to Professional Nursing: Documenting your sources / APA Style

Citation Styles

Any information you use that comes from another source has to be properly cited. The following provide assistance in how to cite and how to avoid plagiarism.

Looking for a shortcut?

Many of our databases provide you with help formatting your citations according to APA or other citation styles. 

In the EBSCO databases (CINAHL, Medline, PsycInfo), when you print, email, or save your citations, you can change the setting from the default "standard field format" to "citation format", and then choose the style you want.

Citation Tools

  • Son of Citation Machine  
    Beginning-level / APA, MLA)
  • RefWorks
    a web-based citation management tool that helps you share and organize citations as well as quickly generate bibliographies and insert citations into papers. 
  • Zotero 
    (an open-source Firefox extension)