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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

*Political Science

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Encyclopedias & Dictionaries

Most reputable articles are published in peer reviewed journals. USM Libraries provides access to peer reviewed journals through our various databases. Most can be found in the databases listed below OR by using the Journals By Title search below to find a journal by name.

Browse All Subscription Journals, Magazines & Newspapers


News Sources

Search for books locally or across the UMaine System of libraries with URSUS. Use the "Request" button with the red check mark in each item record to request free delivery from another location to your campus library.

Use MaineCat to search the holding of Colby, Bates & Bowdoin Colleges and Maine's public librarian. Request free delivery from those locations, too.

Use WorldCat to search worldwide for any book and request delivery using our Interlibrary Loan service.

Current Print Books of Interest

eBooks may be searched in the same way as print books, using URSUS. Click on the link provides to access those indicated as beeing available either to USM or the UMaine System (UM).

Current eBooks of Interest

The websites provided here are a sample of authoritative local, national, and international sources. Ask A Librarian for help finding more.

Video Sources

Citing all sources you consulted in your research is essential. In the field of political science APA (American Psychological Association) citation style is usually used. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is available at each USM Libraries location in Reference (2nd floor in Portland, Circulation desk in Gorham & Lewiston/Auburn).

Like all citation styles, APA involves finding the right "formula" for the source you're using and plugging in the relevant information.

  • Books: Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)
    • In every URSUS record use the Cite Now feature on the left to instantly see the formatted citation.
  • Articles: Lastname, F. M., & Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol.(Issue), page numbers. DOI
    • Many of our databases include a citation function at the article level. It will display the citation or you can email the article with the citation included.

OneSearch also has a citation function.

With all of these automatically generated citation functions be sure to DOUBLE CHECK them for accuracy.

Citation Tutorials

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