Finding Microforms in the Library Catalog (LibrarySearch)
Most of the Library's microform materials can be found by searching the Library Catalog, LibrarySearch .
You can limit your search results by selecting "Microform" as a content type.

Once you find a microform you are interested in be sure to check:
the Location:
If we have it at USM Portland it will be on the 3rd floor of Glickman Library. EX: USM POR Microforms.
If USM does not have a copy, you can request it be sent to the USM library closest to you.
the Series.
This will tell you what microfilm collection the one you want lives in. The cases are labeled with these names. EX: American Culture Series.

Microfilm & Microfiche Collections at Glickman Library
The following collections are located on the 3rd floor of Glickman Library
Early American Imprints 1639-1800
Underground Newspaper Collection
Voices of Protest Collection
Runs of various academic journals
Boston Globe 1960 - 2007
Maine Times 1968 - 2002
New York Times 851 - 1854; 1874 - 1888; 1925; 1965 - 2008
Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram 1950 - 2007
Time Magazine 1923 - 1959
Times Literary Supplement Collection
Times (London) 1914 - 2007
Sunday TImes (London) 1975 - 2008
US News and World Reports 1967-2009
Wall Street Journal 1924 - 2007
Washington Post 1973 - 2007