Interlibrary Loan (ILLIAD)
If an article is not available in USM's collection, we can obtain a copy for you.
Borrowing/Remote Access to Databases
These two services are mentioned together because both depend on your USM card and its barcode. Your library barcode is the small red number at the bottom beginning with 2502200. To get remote access to USM Library databases, you must have your barcode activated. Don't know if your barcode number has been activated and is working? From the library's home page, click My Library Record and try to login. Doesn't work? Come to the library Circulation desk at any of our campuses or call 780-4270 to have it activated.
Library Research Assistance
Reference librarians and Reference assistants are available to give you expert help with any question that you may have about locating information for your library research assignments. We are eager to help you find the best resources available and to find them quickly. To contact us:
For a more complete list of library services for students, check this site: