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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

Maine Academic Libraries Day 2023: Location & Directions

MALD 2023 Location & Directions

MALD 2023 will be held at University of Maine Augusta.

Driving directions to campus can be found at


All MALD sessions will be in Jewett Hall. See the maps below!

Breakfast and the afternoon snack will be in Jewett Hall, with lunch taking place in the Randall Student Center. 



Parking is available in the two large UMA lots (pictured on the left). One is located next to Jewett Hall and the other is located across campus, by the Randall Student Center. Walking from the lot across campus takes approximately 5-8 minutes.

There are handicapped parking spots in the lot close to Jewett Hall if you require close access to the entrances.

Please email Liz Bull ( with any questions.