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University of Southern Maine
Libraries & Learning

UMS Libraries Integrated Library System (ILS) Transition

Timeline & Key Dates Affecting Library Users

We hope the following information will help everyone know what's happening and when it's happening. Please check back regularly for any updates.

General expectations during the Go Live phase of the transition that are not yet date specific or are more generalized :

  • Impact on research workflows and access to resources during the migration process may be disrupted.
  • Capture all saved searches you may have in your online library account (see more in "April" below).


April 9 - April 12 --

  • Training for library staff - begins and continues through April 12

April to June 7 --

  • Pointing to persistent links in the catalog - For anyone pointing to persistent links, It is highly recommended to start gathering record information now (author, title, etc.), and make note of any new ones you use. The deadline to do this by is June 7th, which is the beginning of the transition to the new ILS. Once the transition is complete, all persistent links pointing to catalog records will no longer work. After June 19, you will have the opportunity to update your persistent links. Please contact library staff on your campus if you need or want help.
  • Library users: Saved searches in your library account in the current catalog (URSUS) - On June 7, all patron saved searches will be deleted. It is highly recommended that you go into your library account and save these lists if you don't want to lose them. You may view the "Important Changes" page to see how to do this or contact library staff on your campus if you need or want help.
  • Library staff to dos: Capture all "Create Lists" information, such as "Existing Searches," "Saved Queries,"  "Saved exports," and other possible list information.


May 5 --

  • Last chance to change mapping of how data from Sierra will go into Alma. Changes held till after live.

May 15 --

  • Primo Snapshot: settings for Primo will be copied as they are and not available to edit until live.

May 16 -- 

  • Sierra Migration Process Cutover Begins - 
    • Sierra Technical Services Data Snapshot: anything after this in tech services or acquisitions WILL NOT be in Alma
    • Anything added to Sierra through cataloging and/or acquisitions will need to be added into ALMA, once it goes live.

May 19 --

  • No more changes to Alma Setup

May 29 --

  • All use of the ALMA Production environment stops.
  • Training moves back to the sandbox.

May 31 --

  • Filling and Requesting through MaineCat and non-UMS URSUS libraries stops.

May to June 7 --

  • Capture all record information for persistent links (see more about this in "April" above)
  • Community specific: Capture all saved searches you may have in your online library account (see more about this in "April" above).
  • Library staff specific: Capture all "Create Lists" information, such as "Existing Searches," "Saved Queries,"  "Saved exports," and other possible list information.


June 12, 2024 - The new ILS goes live

Expect a short-term outage during the Go Live phase (June 8-12), affecting holds and the accuracy of the online catalogs. Electronic access should not be disrupted during this time.

June 6 --

  • Pointing to persistent links in the catalog - LAST day for anyone using persistent links to point to records in the catalog to gather titles and other information in the record so you can find it again after the transition. Ask library staff for help if necessary.
  • Library users capturing saved searches in library account - LAST day to capture all account information before it is deleted.
  • Library staff capturing all create lists, etc. - LAST day to capture all "Create Lists" information, such as "Existing Searches," "Saved Queries,"  "Saved exports," and other possible list information.

June 7 --

  • MaineCat Borrowing/Lending Suspended- Lending and borrowing in MaineCat will be suspended and unavailable with a projected Go Live date of sometime in September.
  • Intra URSUS requesting and lending will be suspended - Requesting from BPL, MSL, PPL, and Law and Leg will stop May 31 and resume in September. 

June 7-  June 11 --  

  • Requesting and lending between UMSL libraries - will be suspended through June 11. UMSL requesting and lending will be available in Alma/Primo beginning on June 12th
  • Public catalogs may not reflect current availability - Existing catalogs and will be available, but may not reflect current availability and patrons will be unable to place holds

June 10 --

  • Sierra Fulfillment  Data Snapshot: Sierra OPAC is Frozen. All activity in Sierra Stops.

June 10-11 --

  • Alma Offline Circulation - Access Services staff will use Alma Offline Circulation only.

June 12 --

  • Go Live with Alma and Primo VE catalog - 
    • All library services will be available.
    • ***MaineCat lending and borrowing will be unavailable until September.

June 12 - June 16 --

  • Electronic Resources - Some electronic materials may take up to a week to show while these resources are reindexed.

June 20 or later - 

  • Pointing to persistent links in the catalogThis is the first day anyone using persistent links can start updating those links with new persistent URLs.
    • Please check back for any updates before starting in case this date gets pushed out further.